🧵 Bonfire on Threads

More integrations and ways to stay connected

gm, and welcome to issue #86 of ✨Spark✨ 

Onchain Summer is still going strong with drops every single day. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Aug 30th when we have our own drop day with some very special creators on Bonfire, including UFO and LNRZ.

Today we're covering:

  • gm, threads

  • coming up next, Zora x Bonfire

  • LatAm musicians in web3

Product Updates

🧵Bonfire on Threads: We’ve decided to join the hype train and get on Threads. If you’re on there, come say hello at threads.net/@bonfire.xyz. We’ll be posting product updates and creator news as they come. See you there!

Coming Soon

This week we rolled out our most requested integration to Bonfire Pro members. Next week we’ll enable the feature to all creators. That’s right, Zora is now on Bonfire. More info to come!

Creator Spotlight

Musicaw3 is a new community made up of independent Latin American musicians. The mission behind the community is to foster education, promotion, support & collabs, creating an inclusive and mutually beneficial environment for all involved while bringing new creators into the ecosystem. They’ve recently launched their free genesis NFT on Bonfire, using our Decent integration.

That’s Fire

How NFTs are Solving Problems for Podcasters [Bonfire Read]

Stats on Getting on Spotify’s New Music Friday [Read]

What Happens to $1 of Streaming Revenue [Read]

Bandcamp Has Launched Listening Parties [Read]

Building A Collective Onchain Radio at UFO [Listen]

Tip of The Week

Friendly reminder that you cannot control the outcome of your creative work. You can’t control going viral on social media or having your next drop mint out, so focus on what you can control. Focus on the creative process, and sharing your gift with the best of your intentions.

Your Turn

Do you have any web3 goals we can help make happen? No matter how big or small, shoot me an email or DM us on twitter about it. And check our Roadmap to submit and vote on your favorite features.

If you’re just joining, you can find our past issues here.

Until next time,

Bonfire Team 🔥