šŸ¤ Decent integration & brave wallet

Decent integration, Brave wallet and what's coming up next

gm, and welcome to issue #65 of āœØSparkāœØ

Writing to you from Lisbon where weā€™ve spent an incredible week at our team offsite. The days have been filled with great ideas and delicious food, so next week weā€™re taking all of our ideation post-its and coming up with a plan for next seasonā€™s roadmap. Stay tuned for some big news.

Today we're talking about:

Product Updates

šŸ¤– Decent Integration: We're always striving to make your Bonfire experience even better, and this week, we're thrilled to announce our integration with Decent. The integration simplifies the process of creating and scaling NFT communities by allowing you to import Decent contracts, create custom mint pages and take advantage of our most robust features, all from your Bonfire dashboard. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and explore the limitless possibilities of Bonfire x Decent.

If you want to learn more about the integration, you can find our guide on how to import custom contracts here.

šŸ¦Brave Wallet: Sometimes there are small updates that make a huge, like supporting new wallets for sign-in. Today, we are happy to say we now support signing in with Brave wallet. Simple, elegant, powerful.

Coming Up Next

Rolling up in beta we have Site Themes. You know we are passionate about customization and we will soon introduce a set of unique preset site themes that creators can select from during onboarding as well as from their Appearance tab. You keep building, weā€™ll keep shipping.

Creator Spotlight

epicdylan.eth is part of the founding team at Page DAO, a tokenized community dedicated to building a decentralized literary economy through $PAGE. They are minting a Modern philosophy NFT book called Formal Dialectics, a work that was removed from web2 Cambridge Scholars Publishing that has now been re-released via the Serious Philosophy Collection. The new edition is available on Optimism and you must own the NFT to read it. A special preface by the author has been added to commemorate the occasion of the second edition, of which 10,000 copies will be available. The first twenty pages will constitute a preview, which anyone can read.

View Formal Dialectics here

That's Fire

Comparing NFT drops and gig tickets [Read]

New mobile experience on sound.xyz [Read]

Cheaper minting? Decent just introduced Series [Read]

Glass is moving back to Ethereum [Read]

Creativity in Multiplayer Mode w/ @austinrobey_ [Watch]

Tip of the Week

Our Decent integration makes it very easy to do a custom NFT drop in just a few clicks. However, if you are a creator with more experience in web3, and want more control over your metadata you can use Mintplex. Follow the same guide to import contracts from Decent, Mintplex, or Sound to create the custom drop fit to your needs. And as always, you can create a custom drop natively from Bonfire.

Your Turn

Need feedback on your Bonfire site? Book a 1:1 consultation with us during our recorded & streamed Firesides. And check our Roadmap to submit and vote on your favorite features.

If youā€™re just joining, you can find our past issues here.

Until next time,

Bonfire Team