Introducing Bonfire Season Passes & Our Partnership with FVCKRENDER 🎉

gm, and welcome to issue #126 of ✨Spark✨

This week, we're excited to unveil Bonfire Season Passes and our exciting partnership with renowned artist FVCKRENDER to launch a season pass for the gallery’s launch.

Keep reading, this is a very exciting week! ⚡️

Product Updates

🎉 Introducing Bonfire Season Passes: Season Passes are time-bound, tiered memberships tailored to specific campaigns, from album releases to podcast seasons. Unlike traditional subscriptions, Season Passes offer:

  • Time-bound Engagement: No long-term commitment, avoiding subscription fatigue.

  • Campaign-Based Benefits: Align perks with your goals, be it engagement, sales, or content streams.

  • Fan Value: Offer early access, members-only events, and exclusive commerce with minimal extra effort.

  • Flexibility: Control season duration, tiers, pricing, perks, and design. Create one-off or recurring seasons.

  • Cross-Platform: Onchain by default, enabling creator-owned passes across platforms like Shopify, Ticketmaster, Discord, and more.

Join our Private Beta

Sign up for early access and tell us how you’d use Season Passes. Join the waitlist and learn more here.

Creator Spotlight

This Fall, FVCKRENDER is opening a first-of-its-kind physical gallery in his hometown Montreal.

The space will serve as a hub for art & culture in Montreal, and home to live art installations and events merging the worlds of art, music, and culture.

We’re excited to partner with FVCKRENDER to launch a season pass for the gallery’s launch. Passes grant holders premium perks & benefits both IRL & digitally, as well as a BTS look at the space’s development leading up to launch.

That’s Fire

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Until next time,

The Bonfire Team