🌅 Playlists, Glass & Sunsets

gm, and welcome to issue #38 of ✨Spark✨ For those of you interested in hosting and token-gating livestreams, apologies for the delay! We’re dealing with an unfortunate issue that’s forced us to postpone the rollout. Bare with us a bit longer, the issue is being fixed as quickly as possible!

In the meantime, respond to this email if you want to be whitelisted for the feature (probably available in the next 1-2 weeks 🤞)

Bonfire Product Updates

Sunsetting 2 Rally-Only Features

As we continue to evolve Bonfire to have robust multi-chain support, we’ve made the decision to sunset a couple of features which were only supported by the Rally sidechain ecosystem: Direct Sent Airdrops, and Rally NFT Drops through the Store. In both cases, all in-progress campaigns will continue to run through to their conclusion, but as of next week Rally creators will no longer see the option to set up new campaigns for these features. However, we plan to reintroduce the functionality of Direct Send airdrops in a new format later this year, which we believe will be an improved version of the feature while also supporting Eth & Polygon airdrops as well.

Audio: Playlist Layout

One of our more frequent requests around the Audio feature, we’ve added a new more traditional playlist layout to the Audio block! You can now choose between the Playlist or Carousel layouts when embedding tracks from your content library. Coming shortly: The ability to order tracks in your playlist/carousel 🎵

Glass.xyz Quick Embed

We’ve added a new platform to the Embed blocks section - welcome to Glass Protocol! Copy any video link from glass.xyz and paste it into the new Glass block in Studio to quickly embed it into a page.

ID Filtering for Community Tab & Collector Showcase

You can now filter your imported collections by token ID(s), for both the Community tab and the Collector Showcase block in the Studio. This means much better support for tokens minted on platform contracts (e.g. OG Mirror and Zora contracts), 1/1s (e.g. Catalog records), or simply segmenting your community based on token IDs.

Coming soon: The ability to give filtered collections their own name and image, the ability to overwrite the title in the Collector Showcase block, and a new Editions layout for the Collector Showcase which is better suited for collections where all tokens have the same metadata.

Creator Spotlight

1Universe, a collective spreading Love & Light through Music & Art has recently joined Bonfire! The collective has members from all over, including Nigeria, Sweden, Zimbabwe, and the USA. The group consists of collectors and curators in the web3 music space. Beyond that, they also produce music and music videos and have recently dropped a new vid on Glass.

More on 1universe here.

That's Fire

TikTok launches new ‘Order Center’ eCommerce Tracking Hub

Andreessen Horowitz leads $20M funding round for CreatorDAO

Conflict De-escalation techniques to use in your online community

Creator-Community Memberships: From Web2 to Web3

Cooper Turley launches a Music NFT Launchpad

Tip of the week

Focus on the right numbers. Web3 is all about moving away from the noise of social media followers that don’t really care about you and into the tight-knit community of die-hard fans. We can all understand that in theory, but muscle memory might still aspire for those vanity metrics to be high. Take a step back and remind yourself that 10 active collectors or engaged contributors on discord are way better than 1000 random followers.

Your Turn

Do you have any web3 goals we can help make happen? No matter how big or small, shoot me an email or DM us on twitter about it. And check our Roadmap to submit and vote on your favorite features.

If you’re just joining, you can find our past issues here.

Until next time,

Bonfire Team