❓Web3 needs an FAQ section

gm, and welcome to issue #28 of ✨Spark✨ We know a few of you Rally creators have felt frustrated about having some functionality not run as smoothly these days. Unfortunately, Rally APIs were experiencing some downtime, which ended up impacting several features across Bonfire.

We apologize for the inconvenience! While most transactions are going through, some are still timing out. We’ve created a new channel in our discord server #rally-status set to follow updates from Rally's official status channel in their server. While this doesn’t fix the situation from happening, at least you’ll know why and when the product is being wonky.

Bonfire Product Updates

❓ FAQ Block

The newest block in the Studio is the FAQ section! Because, well, there are few things in web3 right now that don’t need an FAQ section to explain them... I’ve already seen several FAQ sections pieced together using alternating Heading & Text blocks, so go migrate those to the FAQ block and let us know what you think!

Creator Spotlight: Poor Marty

Poor Marty is a multi-hyphenate creator, to say the least. He’s an animator, streamer, has his own NFT collection, social token ($PRBS), and is making strides in bridging the gap between virtual and IRL experiences.

This week he’s just finished creating his first fully interactive, live experience for a little brand, you may have heard of…cough coughAdidas. And he’s doing all of that while taking care of a newborn baby! The project will be live at Lume Studios from June 2nd to the 12th.

Check Poor Marty’s website here for more good stuff.

That's Fire

Some thoughts on kicking out inactive community members

Latashá on being a musician and helping marginalized folks in web3.

Resources for getting into music NFTs.

De-financializing social tokens and focusing on reputation & network.

Virtual, free Web 3 Week conference happening now!

Tip of the week

What's the deal with Page Settings when creating a new page in the Studio? You'll notice you are required to add a custom URL and Title to any new page. You can also add a Description and Preview Image. But why do these things even matter?

SEO aka Search Engine Optimization. Among many other factors, the settings section helps search engines like Google understand and rank content. It takes a lot of work to show up on the first page of a Google search. So you should keep that in mind when choosing what keywords to use in your settings (and throughout your content) if you'd like to bring organic traffic to your page. Here are some best practices when writing titles:

  • Keep it under 60 characters

  • Don't stuff the title with keywords

  • Make it relevant to the page

  • Don't use all caps

Your Turn

Do you have any web3 goals we can help make happen? No matter how big or small, shoot me an email or DM us on twitter about it. And check our Roadmap to submit and vote on your favorite features.

If you’re just joining, you can find our past issues here.

Until next time,

Bonfire Team